In all marketing plans, public relations is an essential component. We help plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons establish themselves as leading experts by getting them featured in the media. With over 25 years of experience in the plastic surgery field, we have likely represented more plastic surgeons than any cosmetic and plastic surgeon firm in the nation.

Your campaign will be customized to suit your needs. We secure top national press, which establishes credibility and aligns your name and practice with leading media outlets on a national level to reach the target audience for your plastic and cosmetic surgery practice. Our media contacts who cover celebrities and beauty reach out to us every week seeking expert commentary from plastic surgeons.
In addition to the national press, KMR Communications also understands the value of securing local press to drive new patients and keep you top of mind locally. Attracting a prospective patient is always the end goal of cosmetic surgery marketing and PR. With our expertise in plastic surgery public relations and cosmetic surgery, we can readily boost your marketing campaign to help you acquire more prospective clients.

We understand that marketing for surgeons requires versatility and expertise to successfully convey a message in a plastic surgery practice. With over two decades of experience representing plastic surgeons, KMR Communications has a firm grasp of medical terminology. We can explain various surgical procedures, including plastic surgery procedures, aesthetic surgery, breast reconstruction, and many treatments in lay terms for the media.

When it comes to medical-related public relations, we are truly the best in the business. As procedures, treatments, products and technologies evolved, we did too.

Throughout the years, we have been among the first to promote Botox® parties, autologous fat transfer, Smooth Liposuction, Vampire Facelift, Brazilian Buttock Enhancement, Fraxel Laser, Microneedling, Kybella®, Mesotherapy, Liquid Facelift, Non-Surgical Nose Job and scores of other advances in plastic surgery that have taken this sub-specialty of medicine in a less invasive direction. Discuss plastic surgery marketing with the experts today!

The key at KMR Communications is that we understand the medical complexities of plastic surgery procedures and are able to “tone down” the medical jargon to make it palatable for the consumer media.

If you want to expand your practice, increase your SEO and seek more name recognition and prestige through cosmetic surgery PR, we would love to connect with you. Contact us at 305 771-2425 or click on the button below to request a consultation to see what medical public relations can do for your plastic surgery or cosmetic practice to help get you new patients.

"If you are considering adding PR to your business plan, don’t waste any more of your time researching, thinking and worrying. Do yourself a big favor and let Kathy Rothman and her superb team take you by the hand and show you how it’s done – and really done well. Start right now. It will be one of the best investments and best decisions you will ever make for your business.

You can thank me later. Some weeks before I even “formally” signed on for my plastic surgery practice in 2014, Kathy was already lining me up for exposure in several national magazines (both online and print), putting together press releases, brainstorming with me repeatedly to discuss her many marketing ideas for my practice and pushing her contacts for radio and TV exposure.

All of these quickly came to pass, and she never let up on the gas. Before I knew it, we were successfully getting some form of significant regional and / or national promotion for our practice essentially every week. That’s every week. I had tried PR before, and it was, at best, so-so. It was never like this. I finally saw PR the way it should be – when an experienced, talented pro is in charge.

Although they are great, we didn’t really need her trademark detailed weekly status reports that arrive like clockwork to tell us how successful her campaign was for us. My email inbox always had some news – a link to our latest magazine placement, a video of our recent TV news spot for us to use on our website or yet another promotional opportunity.

Did I mention that she and her team are also just a pleasure to work with? Kathy continues to provide us with high-level, high-quality PR advantages to the present day. What are you waiting for?"

dr lyle
Dr. Lyle Back
Board Certified Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon

Los Angeles, CA

Miami, Florida

New York City


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Discover how Strategic Public Relations can transform your digital marketing strategy and take your plastic surgery practice to the next level and find potential clients. Connect with our healthcare public relations firm!